The Globe Is a Greenhouse: How Our Activities Affect the Climate

The Globe Is a Greenhouse: How Our Activities Affect the Climate | FREEM-2050

Join us in exploring how our individual actions affect climate change in The Globe Is A Greenhouse: How Our Activities Affect the Climate. Learn about the greenhouse effect, the role of greenhouse gases, and their impact on radiated heat in the atmosphere. Understand the social, economic, and environmental consequences of climate change and how our actions can contribute positively or negatively to humanity's efforts to mitigate and reverse these effects.

Ontario Curriculum Connections

Geography Grade 7 - A2.2, A3.10, B4.1

Science and Technology Grade 7 - B2.1, B2.2, B2.5, B2.8

Geography Grade 8 - A1.3, A3.6

Science and Technology Grade 8 - A3.2

Science Grade 9 - B1.1 B2

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Room B2-280