Policy Details

2000-1-6 Test & Exam Writing Protocol

Responsible Executive Senior Vice-President, Academic & Student Success
Senior Vice-President, Academic & Student Success
Issue Date August 1, 2012
Supersedes Date March 1, 2020
Last Review October 21, 2022
Last Revision October 21, 2022

Upon request, the college will provide a copy of this policy in an alternate format.

The evaluation students through a test, exam or other means is built on the premise that the work submitted by students is their own work completed under the terms and conditions that are set down by the professor and the College. Any actions taken by the student that subvert, or potentially subvert, the validity of the evaluation are considered actions of academic dishonesty.


  1. When students write evaluations, whether paper-based or electronic, they must take all reasonable precautions to ensure that they have eliminated all possible means or opportunities to cheat. It is the students' responsibility to ensure their desk, lab bench, computer desk, etc., and clothing, body, etc., are free of anything that could be used to cheat.
  2. During the evaluation, the student may not have with them or nearby:
    1. any electronic devices (e.g. cell phone, audio player, calculator, smart watch, etc.), with the exception of assistive devices, recognized by the Accessibility Centre;
    2. any pencil case, purse, backpack, or other carrying device;
    3. any paper, notes, books, etc.;
    4. any drink containers, or any food or drink, except for water bottles without labels
    5. any hats, coats, jackets or other extraneous clothing items;
    6. any writing, symbols, formulae, etc., on the desk, lab bench, any adjacent surfaces, clothing or body; unless explicitly permitted by the evaluation invigilator(s).
  3. Any items within the student's area beyond worn clothing, writing instruments and photo identification must be explicitly and specifically identified and approved by the invigilator or supplied by the invigilator.
  4. There must be no communication with any person, other than the invigilator, during the evaluation.
  5. Students must display Lambton College photo identification on their desk or bench.
  6. The invigilator will identify the times during the evaluation when students may enter the evaluation room to begin the evaluation and leave the evaluation room at the completion of the evaluation.
  7. In no case may a student enter the room to begin an evaluation after a student has left the room.
  8. At the end of the evaluation time, as determined by the invigilator, the student must immediately cease work on the evaluation instrument (e.g. test paper, exam) and immediately submit it to the invigilator, per the invigilator's instructions. Failure to cease work and/or submit the instrument as instructed may result in the instrument not being accepted, or a mark penalty being levied or the filing of an academic dishonesty allegation, any one of which may result in sanctions including a mark of zero on the evaluation.
  9. Students undertaking an evaluation in a location different than the other students (e.g. The Testing Centre) will normally write the evaluation at the same time as the other students and be subject to the commencement and completion rules described immediately above.
  10. Failure to comply with the above procedures will be considered, an act of academic dishonesty and a breach of the Student Code of Conduct.
  11. The College recognizes that education is a service under the Human Rights Code and commits to providing a learning environment that promotes accessibility for people with disabilities. This extends to providing reasonable academic accommodation to students with disabilities. The Academic Accommodation of Students with Disabilities (2000-9-1) policy includes more information, as well as the process for requesting needed accommodations.
  12. The College also commits to ensuring tests and exams do not conflict with religious holy days. The Missed Evaluation (2000-1-18) policy includes more information, as well as the process for requesting accommodations.

Associated Policies

For questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Sponsor by phoning our main line 519-542-7751.