Policy Details

2000-6-3 The Posthumous Awarding of a Credential

Responsible Executive Senior Vice-President, Academic & Student Success
Senior Vice-President, Academic & Student Success
Issue Date March 17, 2011
Supersedes Date May 15, 2019
Last Review April 29, 2020
Last Revision April 29, 2020

Upon request, the college will provide a copy of this policy in an alternate format.

In those unfortunate circumstances in which a student passes away while working towards a Lambton College credential, the College may wish to recognize the student's efforts, or honour, on compassionate grounds, the wishes of the student's family to receive the credential for which their lost one was studying.  

This policy is complementary to the Protocol on the Death of a Student.


  1. The College may award an Ontario certificate, diploma, advanced diploma or graduate certificate to a deceased student, if:
    1. the immediate family requests or wishes that the credential be awarded and,
    2. the student, at the time of death, had successfully completed 50% or more of the program requirements. For courses in which the student was enrolled at the time of death, a credit grade (CR) will be awarded if the student had successfully completed the minimum requirements for passing the course.
  2. Upon learning of the death of a current student, the Dean of the student's program will, through consultation with the Registrar, determine if the student is eligible for a posthumous awarding of a credential and, if the student is eligible, inform the immediate family of the opportunity for the awarding of the credential, if the family has not already made such a request.
  3. The immediate family may also initiate the request for the posthumous awarding of the credential, in which case the Dean will proceed as above.
  4. The Registrar will review the student file, in consultation with the Dean of the student's program, and make the determination if the requirements for the posthumous awarding of the credential have been met. The decision will be conveyed to the family by the Dean as described above.
  5. If the credential is normally awarded at Convocation, the family may choose to have the credential of the deceased awarded at the next Convocation, in a manner approved by the Registrar. Otherwise, the credential will be forwarded to a family member designated by the next of kin in a manner determined by the Registrar.
  6. If the family of the deceased student attends the convocation ceremony at which the credential is posthumously awarded, the Dean of the student's program should meet with and attend to the family in an appropriate manner.

For questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Sponsor by phoning our main line 519-542-7751.