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3000-1-3 Designation of Academic Coordinator Units

Responsible Executive Senior Vice-President, Academic & Student Success
Senior Vice-President, Academic & Student Success
Issue Date December 1, 2003
Last Review March 11, 2020

Upon request, the college will provide a copy of this policy in an alternate format.


Lambton College recognizes that Coordinators play a valuable role as a team leader for their department, program, or service. That role in broad terms is to provide academic leadership to faculty in the development of an effective learning environment for students and in the development and delivery of programs and courses.


Method of Designation

  1. Criteria and a resulting point system have been developed to capture the breadth of responsibility for a coordinator.
  2. The movement from one-step to a two-step coordinator would be dependent on a point system.
  3. Each criterion is given a point value. The number of points achieved will determine the stipend.
    1. Step-one Coordinators: 1-3 points
    2. Step-two Coordinators: 4 or more points
  4. Table 1. Number of points awarded to coordinators based on specific criteria
    Table 1. Number of points awarded to coordinators based on specific criteria
    i.Number of Distinct Programs1 program0
      2 or more programs1
    ii.Number of students or full-time equivalent (for service courses: 3 student-course registration = 1 FTE)30 - 1190
      120 - 1991
      200 or more2
    iii.Number of Full-Time Staff1 - 50
      6 or more1
    iv.Number of Part-Time Staff1 - 50
      6 or more1
    v.External AccountabilityNo0
    vi.Labs, Field Placements, ClinicalNo0
    1. External Accountability relates to external authorities or over-sight bodies with which the program must comply or work, such as the BScN because of accreditation and Fire Sciences because of the relationship with the Fire Marshall Office. It does not include Program Advisory Committees.
    2. Lab does not include teaching that occurs in a computer lab-such as CPA or English courses.
    3. A step may be given to support additional work created by a number of initiatives such as new program development or implementation. This step will be limited to the duration of the implementation.
  5. The dean in conjunction with the VPA, decide the number of coordinators and stipends within each school (available resources considered).
  6. The Dean confirms the appointment of a coordinator in writing.

Terms of Appointment

  1. It is recognized that acceptance of a faculty coordinator position is voluntary.
  2. The appointment should not exceed one year.
  3. Incumbents may be reappointed.
  4. Either party shall give six months notice prior to any change.
  5. Coordinator vacancies will be advertised within the department when appropriate. The college community will be notified as to the appointments and re-appointments.

Role of the Academic Coordinator

  1. The academic coordinator job description is intended to reflect most coordinator positions in the college where the position has some coordinating responsibility for programs or subjects. There could be other coordinator positions not addressed by the generic job description.
  2. The duties and responsibilities of an academic coordinator could fall within all or any of the following areas, as determined by the Dean. The following is a broad description of the academic coordinator duties and is not intended to suggest that all coordinators undertake all listed activities nor is it limiting.
    1. Leadership
      1. To make recommendations regarding the design, development, and revision of programs and courses.
      2. To coordinate the development and establishment of program and course outlines.
      3. To coordinate the orientation of new students.
      4. To coordinate the maintenance of curriculum standards.
      5. To plan, implement, and monitor fieldwork, clinical, co-op or work experience components of programs, where appropriate.
      6. To participate in student recruitment, selection, placement, and academic advising.
      7. To assist in the evaluation of program and course curricula.
      8. To monitor budget and control inventory.
      9. To assist in faculty selection.
      10. To assist the Dean with the orientation and mentoring of new faculty and staff.
      11. To provide leadership for program faculty with regard to professional development.
      12. To liaise with advisory committees, the community, agencies and business/industry.
      13. To coordinate the maintenance of a safe working environment.
      14. To assist in monitoring KPIs and make recommendations for continuous improvement.
      15. To advise and assist students with academic issues and concerns.
    2. Planning
      1. To advise the Dean on emerging trends in program curricula and on implementation strategies for curriculum revision.
      2. To review with the Dean all matters relating to co-coordinating activities.
      3. To provide input to timetable decisions and preparation, and to assist in the preparation and distribution of workload assignments with faculty and the Dean.
      4. To develop and maintain various statistical records on students, programs, courses within their jurisdiction and to analyze results as required.
      5. To identify the need for and to recommend requirements for facilities, equipment, supplies, and maintenance of resources.
      6. To assist the Dean in identifying short-term employment projects for students.
      7. To assist the Dean in the preparation of the operational plan.
    3. Curriculum Development
      1. To coordinate curriculum development of programs and/ or courses.
      2. To Chair the Program Curriculum Committee of which all full-time faculty of the program are members, including representative faculty of the service subject offered in the program.
      3. The Committee will meet at least once a year.
      4. Minutes of the meeting (s) will be taken and retained with a copy to the appropriate Dean.
      5. The committee will be responsible for the content of the sections dealing with curriculum and recommendations for the Annual Program Report. This information will be forwarded to the appropriate Dean for inclusion in the report.
    4. Evaluation
      1. To coordinate the evaluation of students progress.
      2. To evaluate qualifications of student applicants as requested and to make recommendations to the dean regarding their suitability for admission to the program of study.
      3. To monitor student progress including student progress meetings, monitoring student attendance, and counselling students in academic matters.

For questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Sponsor by phoning our main line 519-542-7751.