Policy Details

4000-3-1 College Occupational Health & Safety

Responsible Executive Senior Vice-President, Strategy & Corporate Services
Director, Facilities Management
Issue Date October 31, 2012
Supersedes Date June 20, 2015
Last Review January 16, 2020
Last Revision January 16, 2020

Upon request, the college will provide a copy of this policy in an alternate format.

The Board of Governors of Lambton College recognizes the legal and moral responsibilities of the College to provide a safe and healthy work and educational environment for all employees and students.

Lambton College is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy place to work, teach, study, and conduct research. Every practical measure will be taken to protect all persons on its premises from occupational illness or injury.

The objective of the College Occupational Health & Safety Policy, consistent with the overall objectives of the College, is to minimize the risk of injury/illness or property damage through:

  • the provision of safe facilities, equipment, materials, and protective devices;
  • the establishment of safe practices, procedures, and measures which are strictly observed; and
  • encouraging a culture of safety with the ongoing development and enhancement of the Internal Responsibility System


Supporting Principles

  1. The following supporting principles are endorsed by the College in the conviction that the objective of the College Occupational Health & Safety Policy is best achieved when:
    1. maintaining compliance with relevant legislation and standards of regulatory authority respecting occupational health & safety
    2. individuals in supervisory positions at all levels:
      1. recognize and accept that the responsibility and accountability for safety in their area rests with them;
      2. ensure safe work practices, procedures and measures are followed by all employees;
      3. ensure that departmental safety procedures are kept up to date; and
      4. take the necessary, positive, corrective action on all accident causes and workplace hazards as they are identified
    3. every employee:
      1. complies with safe working practices, procedures, and measures
      2. reports, in writing, any unsafe or unhealthy acts or conditions to their supervisor
    4. safety programs and subsequent training are tailored to the circumstances pertaining to the needs of each department and are developed in co-operation among the departments, the Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) Consultant, the Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee (JOHSC), and are actively supported by staff at all levels
  2. The HSE Coordinator in conjunction with the Safety & Security Specialist are to be recognized and utilized as:
    1. specialist resource staff;
    2. a focal point for health, safety and security coordination; and,
    3. the College's representation in external contacts.
  3. The JOHSC will receive complete support from the College community

For questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Sponsor by phoning our main line 519-542-7751.