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Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship | SCU-1603

FUNdamentals of Entrepreneurship is a gamified business simulation where students assume the role of an entrepreneur pursuing their passion of selling clothing online and in their retail store. The player subcribes to the guidance of a business coach and will build a successful venture in a virtual neighbourhood. The player can upgrade their store and operations by completed learning modules and testing. Through self-paced gameplay, students learn important concepts from Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, Health and Safety, Risk Management and more. In the process, they acquire the skills to effectively run a company as they upgrade their operation by completing learning modules and quizzes. Each student has a unique playing experience via ingame customizations, such as avatar creation, and store design. All content is contained within the game - no textbook is required. Students who have successfully completed MAN-1183 are not eligible to take this course.

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