Driving Your Future: Navigating Career Pathways in Electric Vehicle Technology | FREEM-4100

This eBit introduces high school students to careers in Electric Vehicles Technology and STEM Post-Secondary Programming. Electric Vehicles (EV) are becoming increasingly popular. With this increase in popularity also comes a growing demand for skilled professionals. More people with expertise in EV Technology and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) disciplines who can design, manufacture, repair, and maintain these innovative machines will be needed now and, in the future, to keep up with this growing demand.

Students will explore the various careers in EV and STEM as well as career pathways to navigate the high school curriculum and college programs. Students will also explore non-academic routes to enter the field of electric vehicle technology. Students will work through the Ontario Curriculum connections for Grade 9/10 Science: A21 and Grade 11/12 Technology: D3.1 and 3.2.

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