Border Services
Explore the unique world of border and immigration services with experienced and diverse faculty at one of the few colleges that offer this exciting program.
The Border Services program provides foundational knowledge and experiential hands on-learning to individuals who aspire to work as Border Services Officers, Immigration Officers, or related fields in the public and private sectors.
During the first year, a broad theoretical foundation is provided on human relations, mental health, critical interpersonal, communication and team building skills and an overview of the criminal justice system. The second year focuses on courses specific to determining admissibility of persons, goods and conveyances into Canada, legislation, documentation and technology required to move goods and people across the border. In addition, students will acquire important communication skills, dispute resolution and critical thinking skills required as Canada's first line of defense.
The second year focuses on more course specific content related to the facilitation and admissibility of goods and persons into Canada. Students will focus on the foundations and applications of the Customs Act, Immigration & Refugee Protection Act, Criminal Code of Canada, and the other various pieces of legislation and policies that pertain to the border environment through numerous experiential learning opportunities.
The goal of the Border Services program is to provide students with a well-rounded education that prepares them for not only a career in public safety but also as a foundation for continual educational pathways into related fields of study.
Why Become a Border Services Officer
Hear from our students and faculty on why they chose to work and study in the Border Services field.
Admission Requirements
O.S.S.D. or equivalent with:
- Grade 12 English C or U
The admissions process is competitive and meeting the minimum academic requirements does not guarantee admission.
Lambton College reserves the right to alter information including admission requirements and to cancel a program or course at any time; to change the program curriculum as necessary to meet current competencies or changes in the job market; to change the pathways to third-party certification bodies; or to withdraw an offer of admission both prior to and after its acceptance by an applicant or student because of insufficient applications or registrations or over-acceptance of offers of admission. In the event Lambton College exercises such a right, Lambton College's sole liability will be the return of monies paid by the applicant or student to Lambton College.English Language Requirements
- IELTS of 6.0
- or -
- TOEFL iBT 69
- or -
- Passed Lambton Institute of English placement test
Meeting the minimum English requirements does not guarantee admission. Students with higher English proficiency scores will receive priority in the admission assessment process.
Unique Program Highlights
- Term 1 $7,711.63
- Term 2 $6,925.53
- Term 3 $7,625.53
- Term 4 $6,925.53
Total Cost of Program
Tuition fees are estimates and are subject to change each academic year. Fees do not include books (unless specifically noted), supplies or living costs.
Lambton College reserves the right to alter information including admission requirements and to cancel at any time a program or course; to change the location and/or term in which a program or course is offered; to change the program curriculum as necessary to meet current competencies or changes in the job market; to change the pathways third-party certification bodies; or to withdraw an offer of admission both prior to and after its acceptance by an applicant or student because of insufficient applications or registrations or over-acceptance of offers of admission. In the event Lambton College exercises such a right, Lambton College’s sole liability will be the return of monies paid by the applicant or student to Lambton College.
Additional Fees
Criminal Justice Uniform$160.00
Important Dates, Deadline & Late Fees
For additional information on registration dates, deadlines and late fees please refer to Registration Dates and Deadlines.
Student Fees
A student services fee is included in your tuition.
Health Insurance Coverage
Emergency medical insurance is mandatory for all international students at Lambton College. This includes students who are full-time and part-time and who are on a co-op. This insurance is provided by GuardMe - a third party insurance provider.
See Insurance Costs & DetailsBuilt-in Experiences
Technology Requirements
In order to keep pace with the requirements of each and every course in your program, Lambton College requires that each student have access to a laptop while studying at our college.
Labs & Equipment
The Canadian Criminal Justice System
In this course, students acquire foundational knowledge and skills related to the development, structure and practical operation of the Canadian criminal justice system. The course is geared towards students who will become practitioners in the criminal justice field and will require knowledge of their role in relation to the justice process as a whole. Throughout the course, students will have an opportunity to critically analyze the various components of the justice system, as well as examine the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the system.
Community & Social Services
This course is designed to accomplish two goals. The student acquires a working knowledge of community organizations and social services that operate adjacent to the Criminal Justice System. Students also prepare to pursue and complete a required community service practicum. The student is introduced to the important role the volunteer plays in society. Emphasis is placed on the growing relationship between contemporary Criminal Justice Practice and diverse social services and agencies. Both theory and practice is emphasized as the student prepares to involve themselves in appropriate practical volunteer situations.
Canadian Diversity & Strategies in Community Safety
In this course, students critically identify and examine issues in diversity. Specifically, students focus on topics pertaining to inequality in various social settings, including but not limited to: race, gender, ethnicity, class and sexual orientation. Information concerning history, culture, heritage and contemporary issues relating to Canadian Indigenous groups is discussed. Incorporating social/legal explanations of diversity, students develop a clear understanding of the impacted groups and possible strategies of community empowerment.
Sociology 1
Focusing on the Canadian perspective SOC 1003 explores the intersectional influences on behavior within the context of human group life. The sociological perspective, data collection, socialization, crime, and the dynamics of group structure and stratification are critically assessed against the backdrop of global interdependence and socio-cultural change. Small group discussion and gamification of materials all offer an enhanced course experience for individual growth and understanding of sociology.
Critical Thinking & Writing
In this writing course, students respond to current issues and news articles via various styles of paragraphs and essays. Students practice thinking critically and organize and hone their writing to ensure clarity and correctness in their messages. Students explore different perspectives, and through synthesis, analysis, and response, strive for clarity of message and diplomatic expression of opinion based on fact. One of the pillars of Lambton College is a commitment to sustainability and equity, diversity, and inclusion, including Indigenization of the curriculum; where appropriate, readings in this course will reflect this commitment. Critical Thinking and Writing lays the foundation for a subsequent research-writing course.
Psychology 1
This course focuses on how we behave. It is an attempt to understand ourselves and others. The primary goal of this course is to see psychology as an objective way of studying human experience.
Fitness & Lifestyle Management
This course introduces the student to concepts of wellness and provides practical strategies for developing a healthy lifestyle and physical fitness. Emphasis is placed on the student's understanding of the scope of what it means to be well, healthy and physically fit and how this relates to having a successful career in law enforcement.
General Education Elective
Criminology seeks to understand the underpinnings of criminal and deviant behaviour. Students examine this behaviour through sociological, biological and psychological perspectives. Students apply this knowledge in critical examination of Canadian and global crimes and statistics. A contemporary look at victimology and restorative justice is also provided.
Ethical Reasoning
This courses focuses on ethical issues faced by the individual as a person and more particularly as a professional with authority and responsibility for law enforcement. It will help the student clarify their values and establish a framework for ethical decision making. The course will focus the students' minds on the importance of moral philosophy as a component of the decision making process.
Criminal & Civil Law
In this course students will examine the nature, role, and function of law. This course will provide students with a fundamental understanding of the concepts and principles of criminal and civil law in Canadian society. In addition, students will identify the rights and freedoms of citizens in accordance with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and determine its importance to the criminal justice process. Students will research and analyze various provincial and federal statutes and judicial decisions to consider the impact these have on law enforcement.
Political Structure & Public Administration
Canadian politics and structure, modern bureaucracy, global citizenship, sustainability, political socialization, civil rights and mass media. Whether you realize it or not you are being influenced and your opinions are being shaped, by each and every one of these. So isn't it time to turn the tables, time to start shaping the system, in short, time to take POL 1303. By offering a survey of each of the above through the lens of intersectionality learners will explore not only the structure of Canadian politics but the influence of each sphere on public opinion, law and policy. Small group discussion, gamification, and critical analysis of current events all offer learners an alternate path to demonstrate learning while expanding their understanding and employing critical analysis skills.
Communications in Public Safety
This course is designed for students in the public safety field to further develop their communication skills, which are essential for effective working relationships with individuals and teams in the work environment. Students will write workplace and research reports and continue to hone their critical thinking skills. Students will develop their presentation skills by sharing research and findings with their peers through oral presentations.
Behavioural Health for First Responders
The current climate in first response demands that service providers be proactively prepared with a keen awareness of the demands of the job both personally and professionally. Students who take this course will develop essential self-awareness skills, enhance their knowledge of mental health issues in themselves and others, learn to foster collegiality through team work, and augment their understanding of the impact of workplace dynamics on one's mental health. Successful completion of the course will result in improved resiliency to meet the demands of a career in first response.
Fitness & Lifestyle Management 2
This course is a continuation of PED 1202, further exploring concepts related to health, wellness, and physical fitness. Emphasis is placed on students identifying current lifestyle behaviours and developing strategies which would result in a healthier lifestyle. Students will also continue to work toward achieving fitness standards associated with Bona Fide Occupational Requirement evaluation.
General Education Elective
Criminal Code
In this course, students examine and apply sections of the Criminal Code of Canada. Students analyze specific elements of selected offences including offenses against the person, against property, and against public order. Students research case law and assess its impact on criminal offences.
Professional & Practical Issues
This course is designed to provide the student with an understanding of workplace and professional issues in the field of criminal justice. Further, this course will foster an understanding of various career opportunities in the Criminal Justice Field with practical discussions and presentations from employment representatives. The course assists students in preparation to enter the workplace, including: designing a cover letter and resume, online job searches, information interviewing and presentation of oneself at a job interview.
Border Services
This course introduces students to the legislation and regulations that guide the roles and responsibilities of Border Services Officers serving as Canada's first line of defence. Students will learn how legislation like the Customs Act and other regulations grant Border Services Officers the authority in determining the admissibility of goods and conveyances into Canada. The Criminal Code of Canada and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms will also be discussed highlighting Border Services Officers roles as peace officers as well as their responsibilities on behalf of numerous other government departments.
Interviewing & Investigation
This course focuses on interviewing and investigation skills. Students develop the interviewing skills necessary to retrieve information from victims, witnesses, and suspects. They also learn the basic steps of investigation including the practical development of note-taking and observation skills.
Immigration 1
This course will introduce students to the involved role Border Services Officers (BSOs) play in immigration processing in the border services environment. The history and evolution of immigration legislation, policy and issues in Canada will be explored culminating with the current Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) and Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR). Immigration requirements and procedures will be examined in regard to entry and facilitation of the various immigrant classes including foreign nationals (visitors, students, workers) and permanent residents (landed immigrants).
Analytics & Intelligence
The use of intelligence is crucial in the field of law enforcement to be more effective when combating criminal groups. With appropriate application, the products of intelligence analysis can assist in developing strategic plans to tackle current problems and prepare for anticipated ones. This course provides an overview of the historical background relating to the use of intelligence and analysis as a process and introduces the student to the basic concepts of analytic processes, applications and contemporary issues as used in law enforcement.
General Education Elective
Emergency Preparedness
This course focuses on the coordinated efforts that are required to respond quickly and effectively to a broad range of emergencies from pandemics, to natural wide ranging weather events, man-made and deliberately planned disasters or terrorist attacks. Students focus on case-studies and problem-based learning. Students will gain a practical perspective of the various emergency response agencies and their roles as well as detail the importance of interaction, interagency collaboration and effective communication of responders at the scene.
Conflict Management
Managing conflict is an essential skill pertinent to all human service professionals. Successful crisis intervention provides for the ability to proficiently defuse a situation before physical and/or emotional destruction occurs. This course is designed to develop the capability of the participant to intervene in conflict and crisis situations with competence and confidence. The conflict situation is examined from its inception through intervention. Various problem-solving skills and non-violent intervention techniques are taught. Students learn to recognize behaviour patterns that may lead to violent encounters and the appropriate legal responses to these encounters. These responses emphasize safety through awareness and preparation. Students who successfully complete this course receive certification by the Crisis Prevention Institute in Non-Violent Crisis Intervention.
Criminal Code & Federal Statutes
Students will analyze elements of offences related to weapons and the Firearms Act, controlled drugs and substances and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. Provisions of other Federal Statutes and their relationship with the Criminal Code will also be examined.
Immigration 2
This course will serve as continuation of BDR 3003 by exploring the legislation, regulations, roles and responsibilities of a Border Services Officer (BSO) in the immigration environment. This course will focus on Canada's commitment and international obligations to refugees and the process involved in refugee resettlement. Border Services Officer enforcement of the Immigration Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) will be examined by exploring the various inadmissibilities, arrest/detention and removal options from Canada. The Citizenship Act and the pathway to Canadian citizenship for foreign nationals will also be reviewed.
Technology & the Law
New technologies are increasingly altering the nature of crime, policing and security. Knowledge of these tools can offer police and security tremendously useful methods for combating criminal activities and enhancing community relations. This course introduces students to relevant and practical technologies associated with public safety, law enforcement, and security applications. Specific focus will be paid to biometrics, crime mapping, body-worn cameras, CCTV, drone technologies for law enforcement, communications technology, detection and surveillance technologies and global positioning satellite (GPS)
Fitness & Lifestyle Management for PSI
With the goal to successfully complete Bon Fide Occupational Requirements (BFOR), students continue to engage in a variety of physical fitness activity and self-directed study that promotes wellness, health and physical fitness.
Border Services 2
This course serves as an extension of PSI 3013 and continues to explore the role, duties, and authorities of a Border Services Officer. There will be continued focus on the Customs Act and regulations, Criminal Code, responsibilities on behalf of other government departments (OGDs) by BSO's in the facilitation of regulated, restricted, and prohibited goods entering Canada. Students will not only examine relevant legislation and policies which BSOs use in the daily performance of their duties, they will also be provided numerous opportunities to implement their knowledge into experiential learning and practical exercises.
Integrated Emergency Response Capstone
This Integrated Emergency Response Capstone course focuses on the coordinated efforts that are required to respond quickly and effectively to a planned practical exercise of a Mass Casualty Incident (MCI). Students will gain a practical perspective of the various emergency response agencies and their specific roles as well as detail the importance of interaction, interagency collaboration and effective communication of responders at the scene.
Centre for Global Engagement
1457 London Road
Sarnia ON, N7S 6K4
After Graduation
Employment Opportunities

Our graduates find employment with: Canada Border Services, military police, special constables (transit police), by-law enforcement, correctional services ( federal and provincial), police services-federal, provincial, regional or municipal, loss prevention/retail security, alcohol and gaming (casinos/slots), industrial/corporate security, and private security and/or investigation. Possible opportunities exist within Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada, immigration private sector, and community groups.
Accreditations & Certifications
Incident Management Certification
Students will achieve certification in Incident Management Certification from Emergency Management Ontario.
Transfer to Programs within Ontario
- Honours Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies
Want to see more Ontario transfers? Visit ONTransfer.ca.
Transfer to Programs outside of Ontario
- Bachelor of Professional Arts in Human Services, Criminal Justice, Government, Law & Management or Communication Studies
Looking for Support After Graduation?
The International Graduate Services & Support Centre (GSSC) is a place dedicated to assisting International alumni as they seek employment and settle into Canadian life following graduation.
Post-Graduate Employment
International students who successfully complete their programs of study at Lambton College may be eligible to apply for a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) Program. This program allows students to gain valuable Canadian work experience.
A work permit under the PGWP may be issued for the length of the study program, up to a maximum of three years. A post-graduation work permit cannot be valid for longer than the student's study program, and the study program must be a minimum of eight months in length. The length and approval of the PGWP is determined solely by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
Students must meet the eligibility requirements to apply for a post-graduation work permit.
Immigration Regulations & Changes
Immigration regulations are legislated by the Federal Government of Canada and are subject to change at any time without notice. Students are responsible for ensuring that they are in compliance with all Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada regulations at all times during their studies and while in Canada. Lambton College staff are not authorized to provide advice or guidance on immigration-related matters. Prospective applicants and current students should consult the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada website or call the IRCC Call Centre at 1-888-242-2100 to answer or clarify any immigration-related questions or information.
More Information
Student Responsibilities
- Course and program delivery schedules are proposed and subject to change for each intake.
- Students are required to bring their own laptop with wireless capability.
- Students are advised to bring an official copy of their most recent police clearance, driver's license, and vaccination record from their home country.

Faculty Spotlight
Allan Bezaire began his career in 2001 at the Canada Border Services as a Border Services Officer. He joined Lambton College in a part-time teaching role in 2018 and accepted a full-time position in the Criminal Justice programs in 2023.
He is passionate about education and with his experience with the Canada Border Services he's confident he can bring relevant, knowledge-based, experiential learning to the classroom and prepare students for the true experience of a border services officer. Allan also coaches the Lambton College Men's varsity baseball team.
Career Considerations
All applicants should review the qualifications required to be eligible for a career in border services. These requirements are available at the Government of Canada Border Services Agency website.
Skill Demands
Applicants should be aware that certain employment situations require a high level of overall physical fitness. However, the industry is so diverse that physical fitness may not be an issue. Some students with disabilities may require academic accommodations to equalize opportunities to meet the academic demands of a course or program.
Technology Requirements
It is recommended that students purchase a laptop with a Windows operating system.
Internet Speed Requirements
For best performance for students learning remotely, an internet connection with a minimum of 40 Mbps download and 10 Mbps upload speed is recommended in order to effectively use video conferencing and remote lecture delivery software as well as, other online resources remotely. Due to the large area over which students may be dispersed, we are unable to recommend a specific provider, so you will need to inquire around your area to find one that best suits your needs.
Minimum Laptop Requirements
In order to access the internet and virtually-delivered software and courseware, student laptops should include the following at a minimum. By meeting the following specifications, students will be equipped to access software and courseware on their laptop through the internet:
- Intel i5 8th Gen Processor or equivalent
- 16 GB of RAM (with a minimum of 8 GB)
- 100 GB HDD or more
- HD Graphics
- Webcam with a microphone
- Wireless 802.11n/ac 5ghz capable
- Windows Operating System (Windows 11)
Please note that Chromebooks and MacBooks may not support all software required for your program; students should verify compatibility with their professors.
To ensure students are getting the most our of their classroom experience, some software will be required.
Lambton College has made this software easily accessible online. Students can leverage our Microsoft Office 365 software packages and services. In addition, much of the software you require for your courses will be available on demand for use on any device - on or off campus.