The Registration Office at Queen's College of Business, Technology and Public Safety works closely with Lambton College's International and Registrar's Offices to provide services to Lambton in Mississauga international students.
We are happy to assist students from registration through graduation. A summary of the services available at Lambton in Mississauga at the Queen's College campus are outlined below.
Fees & Payment Services
- Payment methods and questions about deadlines
- How to check available funds and how much you owe
- Tuition charges
- Bank loan letter and study permit extension letters

Other Student Services
In addition to fees and payment services, the Registration Office also provides information to students about the following:
- New and returning student registrations
- Course retake applications
- Withdrawals, transfers and refunds
- Authorized leaves or re-admission
- Health insurance inquiries
- WIL Project eligibility
- GO Transit student discount questions and verification
- Graduation inquiries